"After You" by Jojo Moyes continues the heartfelt journey of Louisa Clark, the beloved protagonist from "Me Before You." In this poignant novel, Moyes delves into the aftermath of Louisa's...
Jodi Picoult's "Mercy" delves into the complexities of morality, faith, and the human capacity for compassion in the face of adversity. Set in a small Vermont town, the novel centers...
Jodi Picoult's "Salem Falls" intricately weaves together themes of justice, redemption, and the complexities of human relationships. Set in a small New England town, the novel follows protagonist Jack St....
Jodi Picoult's "Small Great Things" confronts readers with the uncomfortable realities of systemic racism, privilege, and the complexities of identity in contemporary America. The novel follows Ruth Jefferson, an experienced...